Recruitment, Retention and Education Fund (RREF)

A. Purpose

This fund is to support Local 4270 members to attend educational or upgrading courses to enhance their employability within health care where CUPE classifications would apply.  It is understood that the fundamental purpose of the training and education fund is to assist employees in upgrading their skills and education to further their careers in health care and to enhance availability of qualified employees within the Southern Regional Health Authority.  This fund is intended to promote the recruitment of CUPE 4270 members into our priority vacancies. This fund is not intended to recertify members into current positions they currently hold.

B. Eligibility

Permanent, temporary, and casual employees may be eligible to apply for funding up to $500.00 reimbursement following completion of the course.  Proof of employment status will be required.

Members are eligible to apply for funding for educational training for any positions within CUPE 4270 Bargaining Units.

Priority for funding will be given to educational programs jointly funded with the Employer, then at publicly funded institutions within the Province of Manitoba, unless the educational training cannot be obtained through those institutions.

The RREF Committee reserves the right to limit:

  • applications for educational funding for training for classifications that the RREF Committee determines there is insufficient demand for the classification within the Southern Regional Health Authority;
  • funding to applicants to ensure the ongoing financial viability of the RREF is maintained; approved applications may only receive partial funding, to further maintain the viability of the fund. It is the obligation of the applicant to research course costs.
  • any additional funding to applicants who did not successfully complete prior educational training funded by the RREF;
  • funding for expenses that the RREF Committee determines is not part of the core expenses of the educational training;

funding for any application that the Committee determines is contrary to the intent and purpose of the RREF

C. Applications

  1. Application forms will be provided by Local 4270.
  2. Successful completion of the course must be provided to the committee in order to receive approved reimbursement. In exceptional circumstances individuals may ask for review by the Committee for approval and prepayment to approved courses. In order to be reviewed, application packages must include an Educational Institution/Facility Sponsorship Form, or an Acceptance Letter to the course(s), or applicable receipt(s) for payment of tuition and/or books, lab fees, etc.  Funds will be awarded for reimbursement of up to $500.00 for the core expenses of the educational training.
  3. The RREF Committee reserves the right to request additional information it deems necessary to determine whether an application is entitled to funding from the RREF.
  4. The RREF Committee will meet monthly (with the exception of July and August) to review all applications submitted. Additional meeting maybe called as per the RREF chairperson.
  5. The RREF Committee may work on joint educational courses with the Employer.
  6. Only upon completion of course, a fully completed application will be required with proof of passing and all paid invoices.

D. Distribution

Upon approval of application, a cheque will be made out to the educational institution/facility and then mailed to the applicant; if the education institution/facility will invoice the RREF, a cheque will be sent directly to them.  If the member pays for the course(s) and submits receipts, a cheque will be made out to the individual.

Courses may be funded up to $500.00 per member, per year, however:

  1. Where there are multi-components, each component will have to be applied for separately;
  2. Where a course is subsidized by another source, this fund shall only cover the unpaid portion.

A copy of the completion of the course(s) must be submitted to the RREF Committee.  Recipients will be required to repay all funds awarded should they withdraw or are terminated from the program for reasons deemed unsatisfactory by the RREF Committee.

E. Administration

The RREF Committee shall be comprised of the Local 4270 signing officers (President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Homecare Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Warden). The CUPE National Staff Representative will act in part as advisor to the Committee.