AUGUST 26 2024
Dear CUPE health care members of Local 4270 Southern Health-Sante Sud.
On Thursday, August 22nd our bargaining team identified an issue with the voting for the CUPE 4270 community and facility support groups of Southern Health-Sante Sud.
CUPE takes this issue very seriously.
Because the vote was conducted with a paper ballot, it is impossible to confirm members who work in both community support and facility support were able to vote on each of their workplace contracts.
This means we will have to conduct a new vote throughout Southern Health-Sante Sud.
What happens next?
The CUPE team is organizing a new round of voting across Southern Health-Sante Sud. We will have CUPE representatives on-site during the voting period in your workplace to conduct the votes. This is only for members who already voted last week to confirm their votes.
Individuals who may work in both community and facility support are entitled to an additional ballot: one for their community support contract, and one for their facility support contract. Rest assured the votes remain completely confidential.
To ensure this process begins as quickly as possible, your Site VP will be on-site collecting your ballots.
Voting will open at 8:00 am, Tuesday August 27.
Voting will close at 7:00 pm Thursday, August 29.
We will announce results shortly after polls close.
Please contact CUPE at if you cannot vote at one of these locations, and CUPE will send an official to collect your vote in a double-blind envelope (to ensure the secrecy of your ballot).
We understand everyone’s frustration, but we want to ensure that everyone who was entitled to vote on their own individual contract(s) has had the opportunity to do so.
Your CUPE bargaining committee.