Unit Contacts

Every facility/area in Southern Health – Sante Sud have representatives from CUPE 4270 on the Executive. Please reach out to your unit contacts if you have any questions, or want to get involved.

CUPE members who work in the Public Health Programs, Primary Health Services, Mental Health Services, Crisis Stabilization Unit, Regional offices can contact either Holly Chaperon at or George Bouchard at gbouchard@cupe.ca should you have any union related questions.

We now have Community Contacts.  Please see below.
If your site has no unit contact, please contact Holly Chaperon, President of CUPE 4270.

In alphabetical order, by site or area:

Altona Community Memorial Health Centre and Altona and District PCH
Facility VP: Philomena Quinn 1-431-742-7838
Steward: Helen Krahn 1-204-304-1521
Monique Johnson 1-204-312-1834

Bethesda Place
Facility VP: Vacant
Steward:  Lester Quives email: wizardqueueo07@yahoo.com.ph

Boundary Trails Health Centre
Facility VP: Martha Fehr 1-204-362-7526
Steward: Julie Hildebrand 1-204-246-2459

Carman Memorial Hospital and Boyne Valley Lodge
Facility VP: Krisia Major 1-204-745-8348
Steward:  Roberta Fulton 1-204-333-4950
Steward:  Jackie Stewart 1-204-750-1815

DeSalaberry District Health Centre/Repos Jolys
Facility VP: Shannon Berard 1-204-479-9702
Steward: Carole Gosselin 1-204-712-5878

East Area Community includes Niverville, St. Pierre, St. Malo, Sprague, Vita
Community VP: Michelle Ridge 1-204-381-7011
Community Steward: Vacant

Douglas Campbell Lodge
Facility VP: Natina Pelletier 1-204-999-2327
Steward: Sonia White 1-204-870-1160

Emerson Hospital
Facility VP: Derek Robert 1-204-304-1121
Steward: Tasha Pow 1-204-712-6765

Gladstone (Seven Regions Health Center/Third Crossing Manor)
Facility VP: Geraldine Plas-Smith 1-204-476-0221
Steward: Vacant

Lions Prairie Manor
Facility VP: Danielle Nicholls 1-204-871-3022
Steward: Janice O’Brien 1-204-595-0986
Steward: Tyler Popko 1-204-871-2068

Lorne Memorial Hospital Swan Lake
Facility VP: Erin Wytinck 1-204-825-8500
Steward: Teresa Mulligan 1-204-570-0243

MacGregor and District Health Centre
Facility VP: Tiffany Ferguson 1-204-249-0177
Steward:  Marina Dyck 1-204-871-2948

Menno Home for the Aged (Grunthal)
Vice-President: Patti Voth 204-371-7305
Steward: Ashley Dueck 1-204-392-8592

Morden/Winkler Community Area
Community VP: Jackie Friesen 1-204-384-6279
Community Steward: Carla Bezan 1-204-745-8300

North Community Area includes Gladstone, MacGregor, Starbuck, St. Claude, Notre Dame
Community VP: Kerry-Lynn Cowan 1-204-872-0326
Community Steward:  Felicia Venne 1-204-761-1913

Notre Dame (Foyer Notre Dame)
Facility VP: Teresa Massinon 1-204-825-8049
Steward: Shelley Minaudier shelleyminaudier@gmail.com

Pembina Manitou Health Centre
Facility VP: Cindy Terwin 1-204-325-6111
Steward:  Vacant

Portage District General Hospital (Southport/Clinic)
Facility VP: Natasha Ross 1-204-872-1489
Steward: Danelle Richardson 1-204-871-7577
Steward: Scott Shaw 1-204-871-4812

Portage Regional Community Area
Community VP: Christina Overton 1-204-870-0269
Community Steward: Val Winton valeriewinton98@gmail.com

Red River Valley Health District (Morris General Hospital and Personal Care Home)
Facility VP: Lynn Waldner 1-204-746-4144
Steward: Olga Driedger 1-204-712-7121

Rock Lake Health District (Prairie View Lodge, Medical Clinic)
Facility VP: Lisa Elliott 1-204-825-7817
Steward: Amy Young 1-204-825-7925

South Community Regional Area includes Altona, Carman, Crystal City, Dominion City, Emerson, Manitou, Miami, Morris, St. Jean, Swan Lake, Rock Lake (Pilot Mound)
Community VP: Jacquie Paton (c) 1-204-750-0027 (h) 1-204-745-2709
Community Steward: Katherine Hiebert 1-204-362-7017

St. Claude Hospital, Personal Care Home and Medical Clinic
Facility VP: Amanda Simard 1-204-870-2583
Steward: Kathie Hird 1-204-723-0900

Ste. Anne Community Area
Community VP: Karly Deneka 1-204-595-8181
Community Steward:  Vacant

Ste. Anne Hospital
Facility VP: Michelle Legal 1-204-355-8181
Steward: Deidre Fetterly 1-204-866-4048

Steinbach Community Area
Community VP: Celeste Kaczmarski CKaczmarski71@gmail.com
Community Steward: Melissa Marchischuk 1-204-914-6299

Steinbach Hospital (Bethesda Hospital)
Facility VP: Taleisha Michaluk 1-204-981-4788
Steward: Randolph Andool 1-204-381-4160
Steward: Emelita Vallarta 1-204-320-9798

Tabor Home
Facility VP: Sophie Prondzinski 1-204-823-3109
Steward: Doris Brodie 1-204-823-2544

Villa Youville – Ste Anne
Facility VP: Cecile Friesen 1-204-371-5456
Steward: Vacant

Vita & District Health Centre/Whispering Pine Lodge
Facility VP: Jennifer Andrusyk 1-204-381-2568
Steward: Monica Decker 1-204-905-4021